PIRBRIGHT ART CLUB is 23 years old in 2022! Many of the founder members are still taking an active part in the club meetings, events and exhibitions. Started in 1999 by artist and tutor Maggie Read, as a way of continuing art sessions during the long breaks between Adult Education terms, it has become a thriving and successful club. We have a reputation for excellence for the quality and presentation of the work on show at our annual exhibitions.
Pirbright Art Club's Exhibitions have returned to a normal schedule following the Covid pandemic lockdown. A very successful Annual Exhibition was held in December 2021 and, in July 2022, a first post-pandemic Railings Exhibition, was held outside The Lord Pirbright's Hall (with the village horticultural show inside). This was also a successful exhibition with many sales being made. During lockdown, in December 2020, the Club held a Virtual Annual Exhibition, and a number of on-line sales were made. For more information on Pirbright Art Club's Exhibitions, see the Club's website Exhibitions page.
We attract a wide range of artists, from beginners to professionals, through our website, Facebook page and via Maggie’s art classes, workshops and demonstrations and, of course, by word-of-mouth! There are two separate groups in the club, each meeting for drawing and painting sessions once a month, with one group being purely for leisure artists and the other aimed at those wishing to exhibit. Members of all groups come together at outdoor summer painting days and annual social events. Contact Maggie to find out about joining:
For further information on Pirbright Art Club, click here.